Shores Fold Update – Roofs on and Super Structures Shining

A Milestone Achievement: Roofs on Our Homes We are excited to share another significant update from Shores Fold: the roofs are now on our homes! This development marks a pivotal moment in our journey, bringing us one step closer to realising the dream of Shores Fold as a vibrant, modern community. The Yates and The [...]


Bee Bricks take pride of place at Shores Fold

Last week saw the first Bee Bricks laid by Towerhouse Systems Directors, Nick and Sarah. Great for garden and nature lovers, Bee Bricks present an innovative habitat for non-swarming solitary bees. Featuring a stylish design, these bricks create a great design statement, and a positive contribution to the environment; a wonderful addition to Shores Fold, [...]


16th March 2023

Our Civil Engineering partner McCrory Civils have completed the majority of the sewer network. The full road through the development is expected to be complete around Easter. The first half of the 28 phase one houses are under construction. The houses currently range from being at foundation level to first floors being installed. The build [...]

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